Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Fixer.

There is this kid, somewhere in the midwest, who is wrapped up in flannel and listening to the latest Pearl Jam track with the biggest headphones this side of a Memphis recording studio. In this kid's head are the dreams yet to unfold from the crumpled ink on the floor. His walls are plastered with Obama stickers and posters for bands that may and may not be any longer. The imitation Bab-com sits next to titanium fighters beside his bed lamp. He lays his head down and watches the click and fade of the beautiful box on top of his portable closet. All is right today, all is correct here and now. Just a few more days until I can put my sticks in my hand and keep going for another week.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rocky Top and Wagon Wheel

Really digging the folky revival things going on right now. Just something good feeling about this, and all the music is helping find inspiration for Two Boots right now. Anyway, found some ideas deep down. Now to lay my head below the high.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Poet and the mutts

The poet and his companions watch from their world, out the door and in the silence of contemplation. The children of the storm watch in silence as history dances in her way. Too young to feel this old, we pass the time the same ways as those that love us did.